This morning William informed me that he wanted to start to meditate. He told me that he needed to see God face to face to ask Him a very important question. The question he wanted to ask God  is "Why didn't you make us all perfect, like You?" I encouraged him in his new-found searching and even tried to answer William's question...but realized what he really wanted was a Divine Connection.

About a half hour later, Amy walked into his room, but he was obilvious to her entry. He was rocking back and forth...eyes closed and hands facing if in a mediative trance. We left him alone in his room and headed out to run errands.

About 2 hours later, William called me and excitedly exclaimed, "MOM!!! I SAW GOD FACE TO FACE AND HE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE WE THINK HE LOOKS. AND I HEARD HIS VOICE...WE'VE GOT IT ALL WRONG!"

"Really?! That's GREAT Honey! What does He look like?" I asked enthusiastically.

"He looks like Everything and Everyone in the Universe all in ONE PERSON!" "And His Voice is Everyone In The World's Voice talking all at once!" then he continued, "I asked Him 'Why can't we be perfect like you?' And God said, "If I did; you wouldn't see a need for Me."

Then William told God that some people are mad at Him, like the Mexicans and the Africans (remember...he is autistic) :-) ~ to which God replied, "I'll work on it."

I am so grateful that God showed Himself to William in such a profound and powerful way. And that William was able to instruct God to help those who are mad at Him. This God makes sense to me. That we are all literally a Divine Piece of the Whole...each of us an important part that makes up this Universal where and Whom we return.

May the Peace and Joy of God be yours today ~