I just returned from an amazing weekend in New York City. I've always wanted to experience the Big Apple at Christmastime and a friend of mine invited me to come visit as he offered to take care of our accomodations. Since he lives in Queens...he said he had a place in mind for us to stay in Manhattan, where we would be around the action of this incredible city. Little did I know what I was about to experience.

His cousin, formally from Russia...came to America with little money in his pocket and spoke no English. He was a Physician in Russia and in order to practice here in the States; he had to pass the Medical Boards...which, of course are in English. He studied constantly and within a year...passed the Board and began practicing here in America.

He rose to the top of his profession and invested well. He now owns one of the best views in Mannhattan...the entire 51st floor; a very large Penthouse Suite with a wrap-around deck. From there...you can see the entire City and beyond. His place was exquisite...beyond breath-taking.

I enjoyed every minute of my trip. I took everything in...all of the incredible foods and wines...sights and sounds. It was great fun the entire time.

On the last night of my stay,  I was drinking a very expensive and delicious wine as I was strolling through this Penthouse Suite...looking out through the floor-to-ceiling windows at this Beautiful City. There were Christmas lights shimmering below and suddenly an old Christmas Carol began playing in  my mind..."Oh, Tidings of Comfort and Joy..."

After being still for a few moments, an unexpected realization dawned on me. It was suddenly clear to me that everything I had experienced over the weekend...although great fun...was not a source of Joy for me. I actually said outloud, "This isn't Joy..."

I wasn't unhappy. I was impressed, for sure. I was grateful and happy to have experienced this opportunity of a lifetime! But I was keenly aware that I had known Joy before...and it had nothing to do with the money, the sights, the sounds or 'things'.

I recalled the days when I had little money; but I knew what Joy was. Back in those days; my first priority was to cultivate an "Inner Spiritual Life".  I hardly watched TV and the Computer wasn't around to be distraction. I spent most of my free time connecting with God, as I knew God to be. I would read books that would feed my soul. I would  pray, meditate, listen to music and dance freely and uninhibited with my whole heart, mind, body and soul...intimately connecting with this Beautiful Being I knew as Pure and Unconditional Love. THIS filled me with deep Joy and in that moment, looking out at the City...I knew I had to reprioritize in order to feel that Joy again.

Real Peace and Joy is different for each person because we are all different. For some...looking out at the city WOULD be Real Joy for them. And I would never questiorn that. Still, it surprised me that during a time where I was living the life of a Millionaire in every way...my Inner Self was crying out for the Real Joy that once filled me to overflowing.

What about you? Do you recall a time when you knew Real Joy?

As we approach this New Year...let us make it a priority to seek the paths that lead us to our own personal experience of Real Joy.

Sending you 'Tidings of Comfort and Joy' this Holiday Season and for the New Year.


12/30/2011 03:20:58 am


Beautiful message! I would love to see more postings, for you are a brilliant writer who comes from the soul versus the mind.Your writing is a source of true Joy for me.

Blessings ~ Tom

12/30/2011 12:15:51 pm

Beautiful post, Edie! I loved what you said here and so wholeheartedly agree. Blessings on your beautiful soul and all your beloveds in this coming year. :)

12/30/2011 12:40:00 pm

Love the post!

Lisa McIntyre
12/30/2011 11:58:50 pm

Exquisite realization and I appreciate you sharing it with me. Happy New Year!

1/8/2012 10:39:54 am

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10/2/2012 03:49:29 pm

First time to your blog and just wanted to say hello.

10/2/2012 07:46:02 pm

Thanks for stopping by - and hello to you! :)


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