This morning William informed me that he wanted to start to meditate. He told me that he needed to see God face to face to ask Him a very important question. The question he wanted to ask God  is "Why didn't you make us all perfect, like You?" I encouraged him in his new-found searching and even tried to answer William's question...but realized what he really wanted was a Divine Connection.

About a half hour later, Amy walked into his room, but he was obilvious to her entry. He was rocking back and forth...eyes closed and hands facing if in a mediative trance. We left him alone in his room and headed out to run errands.

About 2 hours later, William called me and excitedly exclaimed, "MOM!!! I SAW GOD FACE TO FACE AND HE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE WE THINK HE LOOKS. AND I HEARD HIS VOICE...WE'VE GOT IT ALL WRONG!"

"Really?! That's GREAT Honey! What does He look like?" I asked enthusiastically.

"He looks like Everything and Everyone in the Universe all in ONE PERSON!" "And His Voice is Everyone In The World's Voice talking all at once!" then he continued, "I asked Him 'Why can't we be perfect like you?' And God said, "If I did; you wouldn't see a need for Me."

Then William told God that some people are mad at Him, like the Mexicans and the Africans (remember...he is autistic) :-) ~ to which God replied, "I'll work on it."

I am so grateful that God showed Himself to William in such a profound and powerful way. And that William was able to instruct God to help those who are mad at Him. This God makes sense to me. That we are all literally a Divine Piece of the Whole...each of us an important part that makes up this Universal where and Whom we return.

May the Peace and Joy of God be yours today ~


This morning  I was thinking about how hard it can be to be a parent of an autistic child.  Then I thought about my son, William...and what life must be like for him. And as I was processing my thoughts, I said...outloud..."He is MAGNIFICENT  at being the most unique person on this Earth"... and I really meant that. There is NO OTHER person I could compare him to. He isn't an athletic kid. He isn't on the honor roll. no way, shape or form...could ever be mistaken for a kid that society has comformed into its' likeness. He is the most unusal, unique and quirky human being I've ever known.

He has magificence. I have magnificence. We ALL do. And that is a beautiful thing.

The truth life did not turn out the way I planned it at all. And at times...that thought had me believing that it was  'less than' what it was meant to be. What a stressful thought. I decided to 'challenge' that thought and release it...and in its' place...I have embraced a better thought, which is "My Life has turned out the way God planned it."

If God, as you know Him/Her/It to the Final Authority...then behind the scenes of your Life is a Master Artist...a Creator...Who works ALL things together for Good. My Life is not perfect...but it is Good. William's contributions on this Planet are no less valuable than the Rich and Famous. His Presense on Earth is a Testament to the Goodness of God.

William will never conform to this world's system. He will likely need more coaching in following the rules, just enough to keep him out of trouble. But beyond that...he will enjoy his videos, rock back and forth to music, talk to himself, flap his arms, laugh at the thoughts inside his head...and...make me smile.

I encourage you to enjoy the unique magnificence of your special needs child...and ALL the people in your life. Including Yourself. Choose to see those in your life the way God sees them...a wonderful, magnificent Masterpiece. Just as we are.

Peace and Joy to you, my Friends....

I just returned from an amazing weekend in New York City. I've always wanted to experience the Big Apple at Christmastime and a friend of mine invited me to come visit as he offered to take care of our accomodations. Since he lives in Queens...he said he had a place in mind for us to stay in Manhattan, where we would be around the action of this incredible city. Little did I know what I was about to experience.

His cousin, formally from Russia...came to America with little money in his pocket and spoke no English. He was a Physician in Russia and in order to practice here in the States; he had to pass the Medical Boards...which, of course are in English. He studied constantly and within a year...passed the Board and began practicing here in America.

He rose to the top of his profession and invested well. He now owns one of the best views in Mannhattan...the entire 51st floor; a very large Penthouse Suite with a wrap-around deck. From can see the entire City and beyond. His place was exquisite...beyond breath-taking.

I enjoyed every minute of my trip. I took everything in...all of the incredible foods and wines...sights and sounds. It was great fun the entire time.

On the last night of my stay,  I was drinking a very expensive and delicious wine as I was strolling through this Penthouse Suite...looking out through the floor-to-ceiling windows at this Beautiful City. There were Christmas lights shimmering below and suddenly an old Christmas Carol began playing in  my mind..."Oh, Tidings of Comfort and Joy..."

After being still for a few moments, an unexpected realization dawned on me. It was suddenly clear to me that everything I had experienced over the weekend...although great fun...was not a source of Joy for me. I actually said outloud, "This isn't Joy..."

I wasn't unhappy. I was impressed, for sure. I was grateful and happy to have experienced this opportunity of a lifetime! But I was keenly aware that I had known Joy before...and it had nothing to do with the money, the sights, the sounds or 'things'.

I recalled the days when I had little money; but I knew what Joy was. Back in those days; my first priority was to cultivate an "Inner Spiritual Life".  I hardly watched TV and the Computer wasn't around to be distraction. I spent most of my free time connecting with God, as I knew God to be. I would read books that would feed my soul. I would  pray, meditate, listen to music and dance freely and uninhibited with my whole heart, mind, body and soul...intimately connecting with this Beautiful Being I knew as Pure and Unconditional Love. THIS filled me with deep Joy and in that moment, looking out at the City...I knew I had to reprioritize in order to feel that Joy again.

Real Peace and Joy is different for each person because we are all different. For some...looking out at the city WOULD be Real Joy for them. And I would never questiorn that. Still, it surprised me that during a time where I was living the life of a Millionaire in every Inner Self was crying out for the Real Joy that once filled me to overflowing.

What about you? Do you recall a time when you knew Real Joy?

As we approach this New Year...let us make it a priority to seek the paths that lead us to our own personal experience of Real Joy.

Sending you 'Tidings of Comfort and Joy' this Holiday Season and for the New Year.


I just met a man who I am very excited about. It seems to be too soon to know the 'outcome'...but all the ingredients are there for a very good and long-lasting relationship. The one ingredient that I feel is most important is...Desire.

As we've been talking about 'us' of the things I found myself saying to him was, "We can create ANYTHING we want to!" And I was filled with hope and anticipation at that thought.

I believe that Desire is the fuel...the  'drive' behind all we do...whether that is achieving a  goal, to pursuing a  dream or creating good things in our lives. We've all heard about those who were  very sick die after a  holiday or a special  anniversary date. Desire can literaly cause Life to be extended.

I am taking a closer look at what my True Desires are. I'm not sure we have control over our Desires...they are either there or they are not. However...I do recall not having a desire for something that I thought I should desire. In my honesty, I prayed to God and said, "I really don't want to do this...but I want  to want  to...would you give me that Desire?"

Guess what? It worked.

My encouragement to you is to enjoy getting to know what your Desires are. Write them down and allow them to fuel your actions to create anything you would like to create. And share your stories with me and all who visit!

I'll let you know what me and this man create we both Desire a Beautiful Love Story.

Peace and Joy to you, My friend.


Early this morning, I had a powerful dream. We were celebrating my parent's anniversary at a large auditorium and although both my parents are passed away...they were there, in the backround watching this event. Us 'sisters' were wearing partial wedding dresses (don't ask me know how dreams are!) 

Each of us children were there to either rededicate our marriage or to somehow rededicate our lives in some way. When it was my turn to speak, I held the microphone and standing before a great crowd of people, I asked for God to give me what my parents had, 'The Real Thing'. As I looked out at the audience, many heads were nodding in agreement to my request of God. I shared with the audience that I wear my mother's gold wedding band on my right ring finger and as I was twirling it, I said that I want what she had...that she had worn this ring  in the love of their marriage. We left shortly after my speech to go to a reception with our friends to celebrate.

I believe asking God for 'The Real Thing' in front of this crowd meant that I not only wanted (and do want)  an earthly love like my parents had...but I believe that request goes even deeper than that. We  Human Beings are made for Love...and yet somehow, we get side-tracked with the demands of, work, bills to pay, deadlines to keep.

If the 'Well Within Us'  is not filled to overflowing with Love...we run dry and  life becomes difficult, if not impossible.
It is my encouragement to you to do whatever it takes to  fill first your own Well. Then your Life begins to flow, as your Well overflows and touches all the people you come in contact with.

What fills your Well? Is it music? Exercise? Connecting with a friend? How about connecting with God?  Prayer, Meditation, Silence or Music...whatever works for YOU!

I bring you this today...because I had NO IDEA, until my sister just texted me...that today is my Parent's Anniversary!

After I received her text...all I could say was, "WOW!" I hadn't thought about their anniversary for a long time and frankly... forgot which day it was. What a special treat I was given in dreaming that dream on their anniversary morning!

I want to encourage you to ask for, and settle for nothing less than,  'The Real Thing'...which is True Love!



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